Deluded as ever, I seek the one inevitable primordial sleep
but in ignorance of Self, 'mind's eye' can look only so deep
There the dark is darker than darkness, there is no beacon
Deep in centre I feel a thud, though there is no new reason.
My 'Eternal Friend', though about your ways I often wonder
Yet you are the only "Real", I know it in complete surrender
In times of need, you know my need, now you are my need
Tired of fleeting pleasures, with folded hands to you I plead.
There is this mind trapped within, and a mind there beyond
Lips have spoken all they can, and eyes seen all they want
Make this vision pure with effulgence and glimpse of Thee
Release me now of this bondage and let this prana be free.
An internal chatter, external noise, my mind needs a balance
Affairs of this world now enchant me not, it is time for silence
Unspoken sound of Oum heralds this silence I have no doubt
Beckons the 'eternity' within to merge into the eternity without.
In That silence, rests the speech there is beyond the speech
sound beyond sound, and light beyond any brightest of light
Merge my being in this soundless, part-less supreme Reality
My Eternal Friend, grant me this, I shall ask no more of Thee.
-- Vijay Nikore
October 4, 2013
(original and unpublished)
Respected sir,
nice rhythmic poem formed in certain rhyming scheme like couplets.
sir you are asking for the supernal boon
//Merge my being in this soundless, part-less supreme Reality//
and saying...
//I shall ask no more of Thee.//!
Verse shows Your blench from materialistic world.
My 'Eternal Friend', though about your ways I often wonder...voice of my heart also.
congratulations for this superb poem.
In That silence, rests the speech there is beyond the speech
sound beyond sound, and light beyond any brightest of light
Merge my being in this soundless, part-less supreme Reality
My Eternal Friend, grant me this, I shall ask no more of Thee.
..............wonderful lines.
best wishes for this devotional expression.
Respected Prachi ji,
Thanks for your appreciation of the lines, and for your sincere good wishes.
Vijay Nikore
Respected Vindu ji:
// My 'Eternal Friend', though about your ways I often wonder...voice of my heart also //
It is heartening to hear you resonate with my sentiments in the poem. Yes, after all the name and fame and accolades, the real peace is only in the inner silence that merges in HIM, like a natural passion, without trying.
Thank you for your appreciation.
Here lies some bet poetic beauties, as I ever read.
Thank you respected Shivam ji.
आवश्यक सूचना:-
1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे
2-ओपन बुक्स ऑनलाइन परिवार यदि आपको अच्छा लगा तो अपने मित्रो और शुभचिंतको को इस परिवार से जोड़ने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर आमंत्रण भेजे |
3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |
4-OBO नि:शुल्क विज्ञापन योजना (अधिक जानकारी हेतु क्लिक करे)
5-"सुझाव एवं शिकायत" दर्ज करने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करे |
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ओपन बुक्स ऑनलाइन डाट कॉम साहित्यकारों व पाठकों का एक साझा मंच है, इस मंच पर प्रकाशित सभी लेख, रचनाएँ और विचार उनकी निजी सम्पत्ति हैं जिससे सहमत होना ओबीओ प्रबन्धन के लिये आवश्यक नहीं है | लेखक या प्रबन्धन की अनुमति के बिना ओबीओ पर प्रकाशित सामग्रियों का किसी भी रूप में प्रयोग करना वर्जित है |