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This word EVE-TEASING is very very misleading. It nullifies the magnitude of the entire shameful act.

I believe, it is nothing else but a kind of VIOLENCE........ VIOLENCE AT PUBLIC PLACES.

We tend to take it lightly and feel it to be normal but actually it has very deep implications. The path towards advancement of a lot of girls and woman get hindered because of this kind of violence alone.

Even discussing such incidences at home increases restrictions on them.They are not allowed to move out of their houses, they are not able to pursue the carrier of their choices. Thus, live a confined life, with low self esteem and limited opportunities. 

There is an urgent need, that instead of trivializing this issue, it should be taken seriously. Instead of limiting opportunities for girls and woman, we must start taking steps to make public places safe for women and girls. 

It is an alarming time that we must wake up to handle this issue.. In this regard, one of the most important step for our society is to sensitize boys and men towards the way they behave in public domain. And equally important is to create social space for woman where they can confidently share incidences of this kind of violence and collectively decide to protest it. 

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Respected Prachi ji:


// the most important step for our society is to sensitize boys and men towards the way they behave in public domain.//


It is good that you have started this discussion. This sensitization about behavior in public domain has to start within the four walls of home, and it has to begin at an early age.


Children emulate their parents, therefore, it will be easier to sensitize them, but for this we need adults as role models.


This is where comes the difficulty... how do we create these responsible role models? Our society still thrives on male domination and male chauvinism, with under-currents of these tendancies showing up frequently even in the educated, so called well-respected, and otherwise socially-accepted men.


Thus, we need a two pronged approach, one specifically tailored to the adults, and the other for the children.


In a society like India's, movies and TV can play a major role, and can deliver fast results in sensitizing both the children and the adults, via programming specifically tailored to each segment.... cartoons with both direct and indirect messages,

movies with "plots" and "acting" directed towards showing respect for women and girls.


School administrators, teachers, and counselors have to play a major role in turning out crops of socially responsible children, who help improve eachother via positive peer pressure, versus the present negative peer pressures. Some of these "responsible" children may even tell/correct the parents at home when the parents are not behaving in a respectful manner towards the women and the girls around them.


With so many women in the work-force now, the corporations have a major responsibility in fostering the right kind  of work environment in the offices, setting clear guidelines as to the tolerance levels, with high level of responsibility in this area expected from the managers, and senior executives. There is rampant abuse in the offices, and most of it is subtle through gestures and suggestive words, and some through physical actions as well. This, by no means, is limited to our society in India, it is so here in USA as well.


Women and girls also need training in how to respond to abusive un-welcom behavior from the boys and men, at every front...home, schools, offices, etc. In addition, women and girls also need to address the issue of appropriateness of their dress code and suggestive behavior towards the boys and the men.


We also need a brigade of case workers who can visit homes where abusive behavior is fostered/accepted towards the women and girls.


Women and girls should not have to be protected by providing separate facilities for them ... with separate schools, separate sections in rail cars and buses, but they should feel safe within the "total" society as an important segment of it. And for this, some of the thoughts above, if implemented, can foster an environment of safety.


Changing social ways and norms will take a long time, but we must begin and we must begin NOW to give women and girls a safe environment for them to flourish their capabilities to the maximum.


Best regards,





Thanks Resp. Vijay Ji for expanding the discussion by sharing your relevant views regarding the steps to be taken for sensitizing male members of society to make this world a safer place for women.

Thanks repectect Prachi ji for arising such serious topic.Really EVE TEASING has been a notoriously difficult crime to prove as rascals often inginious way to tease women.I think there several reasons behind its uncontrolling condition-
*Many cases go unrepored for the fear of reprisals and exposure to public and shame.
*In some cases police let it go after only little humilation like MURGA PUNISHMENT.
*If public's role is remarkable in overcomming this offence, in many cases public let it go after little coy suggation as it appears innocous with no result.
I dnt knw why Police/public can't understand that its not a light matter bt this perpetrations plays with girls' success,prestige and their sentiments.
I adore sir Nikore's thought with the veiw that mothers and teachers should be more responsible to make innocent children more civilized and cultured.we have to fill them SAMSKARA,being a rolemodel.


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