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Sweetest are the tears of your love my Lord,

Let me offer them at your divine feet…

Let me dance and sing the ecstasy of your melodious accords

And merge me in you with my every passing breath…


Purifying are the tears of your love my Lord,

Let them take me to castle of silence so deep…

Let me freeze over passing sensation of beats and breaths

And emerge me with brilliance of astral eyes peep…

Views: 717

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You are right, Dr. Prachi, it is not that only after a compunction feeling heart goes for offerance. A soulful heart pours all its feelings through tears and we see a Krishna with Kuchela (Sudama).

Purifying are the tears of your love my Lord,
Let them take me to castle of silence so deep…
Let me freeze over passing sensation of beats and breaths
And emerge me with brilliance of astral eyes peep…

Beautiful ! Especially the last line.. .

Thanks for sharing a beautiful rendition.. .

Thanks Respected Saurabh Pandey Ji..

Soul is none other than the omnipresent spirit. When it realizes it's vast spread it flows to rejoice the union with infinite.. then no offerings, no material things, no words are sufficient to express the love towards LORD OF LIFE, and the tears which flows like river are soothing purifying and the sweetest offering to LORD by Oneself.

Thanks you reached to the essence of these lines and appreciated them.



Respected Prachi ji:


Moved by your poem where shall I begin!

There is  mastery in the  choice of words,

They were invented, as it were, by divine,

To  so  express  your  thoughts  sublime,

That while  you write,  for HIM  you pine!

How can  God, then, not  hear  and  say,

"Hear, true to Me is  this  devotee  mine!


What more can my words say!



Vijay ... Feb. 12, 2013

Thanks for your kind words of appreciation.

Touching verse respected ma'm.
Opening line reminds me keats' quoting.
Of course its soothing n purifying to pour myself in love.

Heart felt thanks respected Vandana Tiwari ji, for letting these lines touch your heart. Regards.

Let me dance and sing the ecstasy of your melodious accords........

wow what a wonderfull line.

no words to say.................

Thanks Dear Ram Shiromani Ji for your kind appreciation.


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