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" It's new year eve maa , let me go and enjoy with my friends. They are waiting for me. Last year too you didn't allow me. How disgusting you are ! Now I am a grown up child . "
Rohan dashed behind his door and went into his room .
His mom didn't utter a word. She continued her household work as normal.
Rohan didn't come out of the room till late eve. No one from home disturbed him. At eve someone knocked at his door.
Rohan was upset so didn't reply to the knock. But from his room he could hear soft music of his choice. The person on the door knocked again , this time he couldn't stop himself . As he opened the door he saw his best friend Akash in front of him. He could hear some voices . He was bit puzzled.
Akash told him to get ready for the party. Rohan was astonished to know that the party was arranged in his own house. He starred at Akash. In reply he gave him a friendly smile and said ," just cheer up and come out of the room.".
Rohan asked him to wait for a while and he dressed himself and went into the hall. And what was in front of him. The room was fully decorated and his friends were in front of him.
He couldn't still believe to what was going on.
Meanwhile Akash gave him a piece of paper.
Rohan opened it and saw it was a letter .
He went through it. It was from his mom.
My dear boy
I know you are annoyed. I didn't mean to hurt you my love , I just wanted you to be at home and party. I am not against modernity. But I want you to be safe and sound . As parties outside are sometimes vigorous.
Enjoy yourself. Happy party love.
Your maa
Reading this Rohan felt guilty . He looked up at Akash. Akash pointed his finger towards their terrace stairs.
Rohan ran upwards and saw his maa sitting in a corner.
He fell on her feet . Maa said ," Beta I have no one except you . Your dad too had gone for a party when you were very small and he never returned back."
Running tears melted Rohan. He holded his mother's hand and brought her in the hall .
The party was going on.
There was a shine on his mother's contended face .

Views: 627

Replies to This Discussion

Nice story ,very well written . But leaves a very sad effect on a very small issue . But then sometimes , it is nothing but destiny . Congratulations . Regards .
Thank you Respected Dr.Vijai Shanker sir . Thanks alot for your views. Regards.

very nice story madam Kalpana bhutt cogratulates this short story.

Thank you Respected sir


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