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O Lord Beautiful !

Please reveal yourself to me.

My soul is dying of the thirst to drink your divine nectar.

My eyes have become an ocean of love..and rivers flow form that ocean to touch you.

The more I get you, the more I want to be with you.

My heart is crying in the pain of separation.

Merge my consciousness in yours 

and take me away my beloved Lord..

.... where there will be no work, no space, no duties, no thoughts.

.... where there will be no day and night.

.... where there will be no conversation, no emotion

.... where there will be no desire no expectation

.... where time will stop for us so long, to merge us eternally all along.

where there will be no birth again to separate us in pain 

Take me with you there 

......or come to me here 

so that 

we can make everything stop for that divine union.


Views: 756

Replies to This Discussion

After reading your prayer some lines came in to my mind --O God your mercy is great above the heavens ,and your blessings  reaches to all the corner of the earth  why not  to me.Be exalted ,O God above the heavens but atleast take me away through the the clouds seven where I get peace peace peace.Dear Prachi very nice creation. best wishes to you.

Heartfelt thanks Resp. Rajesh Kumari Ji,

for sharing beautiful lines on the grace of God.



Respected Prachi ji:


// O Lord Beautiful !

   Please reveal yourself to me.

   My soul is dying of the thirst to drink your divine nectar.

   My eyes have become an ocean of love..and rivers flow form that ocean to touch you.

   The more I get you, the more I want to be with you.

   My heart is crying in the pain of separation.//

These beautiful lines echo in my ears...

they echo the pangs of separation from God...

this long separation from God makes me emotional at times,

and sitting alone, and sometime in public, too, I have sobbed .


The pangs I hear in your poem were experienced by Chaitanya ji, Mira Bai ji, Thakur Sri Ramkrishan Parmhans ji, and others in their pursuits of the Divine.


In his early years of साधना , Thakur would go in front of Mother Kali, his Ishta, and weep profusely, with tears

coming down his eyes, saying, " Mother, one more day is gone and I have not seen you. Mother, why

do you not reveal yourself to me." .... And then there was a day when Mother revealed herself to him(Him),

and then there was no going back.


This is the yearning, this is the sacred cry I hear in your words, Prachi ji.

With this unyielding expressive cry, how can God not merge in you one day

with the likes of those I quoted above!


May you be realized!

This is my 'prayer' for you,

with regards,



I like these lines as the gist of this nice prayer--***The more I get you, the more I want to be with you.****
The writer just want to get United with that Supreme Divine Power anyhow. Congratulations to Aaderniyaa Dr. Prachi Singh for being successful in expressing her inner feelings nicely.
Thanks a lot Resp. Shekh Shahzad Usmani ji.


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