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वक़्तका तकाज़ा है

वक़्तका तकाज़ा है आज आई है शाबान-ऐ-हिज्राँ सिरहानेसे

वैसे दम-ब-दम को नहीं फुर्सत दर-ब-दर मुझे आज़मानेसे

कितने  माजूर-ओ-बेखुद  बने बद-चलन  पैमाने झलकानेसे

सफा -ऐ -कल्ब  क्या  बनोगे  इंसा  सरसार दर्यामे नहाने  से

उम्र -ऐ -खिज्र  में  गर  फिर  लिखे  दास्तान -ऐ -शौक कोई  

किस  तर्ज़ -ऐ -तपाक मिले  तोड़कर  मसाफात  अनजाने  से

सर -गर्म -ऐ -जफ़ा  किसको  महोलत  दी  है  यहाँ  बेदिलीने

तक़दीर  कैसे  निगाह -बान  रहे  नज़र -ऐ -बाद  बचाने  से

फरते -मिहानपे  ले  चले  सफीना  मेरे  माज़ी  ज़िंदा -दिलीसे

कब  तक  बैठे  माज़-अल्लाह  मव्वाज़  तुफानो  के  डराने  से

अहल-ऐ-जुनून लिबास-ओ-मजाज़, यह  बीमार-ओ-सुर्ख जबी 

संग दिली-ऐ-खाक क्या उड़े न माने अब  किसीके  मनाने  से

जला  जला  कर  कैसे  नूर  किये  तूने  चश्म-चिराग़ अपना

आगाज़-ऐ-उल्फत  तसव्वुर  बचाये  कैसे  वहेम  खाने  से

दैर पहुचकर जवाब क्या दोगे ये बा-मशक्कत बा-दीलिका

दास्ताँ-ऐ-शौक अब कौन बचाये  है  तुज़े  इस  हर्ज़ाने  से

दश्त-ऐ -कुदरत चले बरहना-पा रेग चिपकी  शिगाफो  में

गम  न  कर  तारीख  ढूंढही  लेगी  तुझे ऐसेही  निशाने  से

यह  शम्स-ओ-क़मर  कु-ऐ-यार न खू-ऐ-यारमे  मिलता

कौन नज़र शनास एतबार करे है खबर ऐसी बताने  से 

तक़दीर  का  फैसला  कहा  बदला  है  किसीसे दिल लगानेसे

किसको मिले बशर्ते शफ़क इक आफताब के बे बक्त डूब जाने से

होके  ग़र्क़-ऐ-बहर-ऐ-फना  जानो-ईमान-ओ-सर  भी  जाता

पर जुनु-ओ-ज़िद न बनती बनाने से न मरती कही गवाने से 

Submitted by Zid

मौलिक व अप्रकाशित

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Comment by Zid on April 25, 2014 at 4:13pm

Aisi simti kainath na jane bahare kidhar ko gae

Muh taakte reh gaye shab-ae-num kidhar ko  gae

Khud-zulmi humse na hogi ke bazaromein beeke

Na jane fikro-fun-o-kastre-shaan kidhar ko gae

Rehne do yeh soorate-masnooi khak ji sakenge

Tamam batain hai kham akhlakh kidhar ko gae

Is sheher mein shae hai kabile-iltifaat bahot

Log behele rastonpar pukhta mehfil kidhar ko gae

Puchte kya ho zuban-ae-adib hoti hi hai karamfarma

Wah-nah-aah-hogi magar wo nigahi kidhar ko gae

Kya kashish thi ke kuch huwe fana az-khud-rafta

Shamma buznese pehle akhir-ae-shab kidhar ko gae

Ae shama tu roshan-sitara rehna dastan-ae-marg

Gard taarikhee mein kaise padhe manzil kidhar ko gae

Tajist karz kiye jis zamanene ab kuch inaam to dete

Par kambakht teri zid gumgashta na jane kidhar ko gae 


Comment by Zid on March 12, 2014 at 11:21am
There are occasions when you do not know how intensely you are thinking about something. Pen Memory has always been witness to many writer’s thinking sphere that they realized only after they start to put it down on paper. Surprisingly I discovered how deeply I love my country & how sensitive I am with respect to her only after writing this gazal titled ‘Nigah-ae-naaz’. Now comes time to make it public. May be this is a right context in which this poetry could be understood. But I leave it to you & your imagination. If the majority likes it I am willing to compose this myself and make a music video of the same to galvanize many more into the magnetic sphere of the love for the nation par love for the beloved. That is starting point of our commitment to ensure its welfare. Please feel free to express.
For your ears of sub-conscious

इस याफ्ता रेगिस्तान को नगमा-ओ-तरन्नुम-ओ-साज़ कब मिलेगा
जाने इस मजलिस में महबूब को शमीम-ओ-कदर यार कब मिलेगा
याफ्ता -Burning तरन्नुम -Well tuned
कदर -Someone who cares शमीम-fragrance
When will this desert burning with desires (referring to wild act & acts!) get a tune & music that will help quench her thirst? Also refers to the falling standards of our music & burning refers to the chaos of the instrument noise without the human touch…
When will a beauty sitting in the gathering (Referring to India’s position in the global perspective) get a match of sensitive persona that will avow her fragrant beauty.

अच्छा है अस्स्मानी आफताब -ओ -नूर कभी बेचिराग नहीं हो सकता
पर इस मुल्की शब् -ओ -गिरफ्त तनहाए को इष्ट होशियार यार कब मिलेगा
आफताब –Moon शब् -ओ -गिरफ्त तनहाए -Beauty locked in the night’s loneliness
It is good that the moon & stars that shine in the sky never become dull
But how will this beauty who is going through the torture of lonely nights get someone who is the best & alert.

इस ज़ार गुलज़ार माशूक -ओ -इफा-अ-एहद साफ़-दिली आवाज़ा कब मिलेगा
कब तक ज़ब्त करें, गरके आसमान में इसे जानो -शानो ख़िताब कब मिलेगा
माशूक -Beloved इफा-अ-एहद-One who fulfills promises आवाज़ा -Fame
ज़ब्त -Tolerence गुश्ताक -ओ –आवारगी-Rough & vagrant
When will the land of gold get it’s recognition for its stature of clean hearted people?
How long do we wait to see India getting the highest honor in the globe?

ज़माने कैसी गुश्ताक -ओ -आवारगी बेहूदा बरी पे उतर आये है
कवल -ओ -गुलाब -ओ -हुस्न -ओ -अदब -ओ -ज़हेन इस नाज़नीन को कब मिलेगा
ज़हेन-Internalised behavior
How the social culture (referring to crimes against destitute & children & women) has fallen to such a pithy of dark deeds
When will all those innocent get the respect & love of a lotus & rose in the hearts & minds of everyone?

वैशत-ओ -अन्धिया बाटने लगी है किस क़दर खैरात गरीबो -जागीर की
यहाँ हज्ज़रो नर्म -औकात बेनाम बस्ती और आदमी को आखिर क्या मिलेगा
वैशत-Violent behaviour खैरात -Loot
People have started using such deplorable means of owning power & creating wealth that they have started stealing even the dry bread of the poor
What will happen to those who have no name, no address, who live in slums in the name of whose welfare the money is stolen?

हम कितने तनहा फिरे है रोजगारी के मारे मगरबी -ओ -दुनिया बेताब
न जाने अव्वाम को अपना इश्तिक लाल खुद -परस्ती -ओ -ऐतबार कब मिलेगा
मगरबी-Western world इश्तिक लाल-Firm & stable खुद –परस्ती-Honoring self
How keen we are for big jobs & big money & look up to the western world for running our kitchen
When will the people get the feel of self-esteem & create a strength of stability for the nation.

इमानोसे मशक्कत करें सब तो जीनत -ऐ -तौफा क्यूँ न मिले
पर हजारों को नक़्शे कदम मुक़द्दस निशाने पा कब मिलेगा
मशक्कत-Physical input मुक़द्दस-Pious, sanctified
If we work hard with zest & sincerity who can stop us from getting the best of the gifts from our fortune
But how will the thousands know what lane to walk & how to get the intellectual supremacy

क्यूँ हिन्द -ओ -रौनक -ऐ -जागीर सर्फिरोंकी कयामते शिकार बने
मुल्क- की-नसीब तबियत-ऐ-असरदार-शबिस्त-ओ-बेदार यार कब मिलेगा
सर्फिरोंकी-Bad tempered, voilent शबिस्त-Night guard
Why will our land become such open target for terrorism in whatever form
When will we get our well deserved night-guard who shall remain awakened to bring the security to all minds?

क्या अजीब पैतरे है इमानोके क्या ज़ायरय ज़मी बातें हो रही है
इस कारवः-ओ - मरघट को कब कोई जानशीन कुशा -ओ -बेख़ौफ़ मिलेगा
ज़ायरय-Hidden, sinister, under the earth कुशा -ओ –बेख़ौफ़-someone who is daring enough to unearth the plot
How people are wasting their honesty in small things, how people fall to the smallest temptations & lose their credential, how people are digging sinister plots under earth
When will the hoards of people who are ignorantly walking to cremate the nation, get someone who dares to unearth the sinister plots & frees the nation from the under acts.

बैठे है आशियाने पे दिल लगाकर हजारों ख्वैशे लिए अपने मायूस -जहाँ में कैसे
जवान नजारों-ओ-शौक-ओ-फिजा को फिर जूनून-ओ - कस्द कब मिलेगा
जूनून-ओ- कस्द-Zest of resolution
How people are looking through the windows of their homes expecting many things to happen
How new dreams, new fancies, expectation of good life will get the zestful beginning

रोज़ अदब -ओ -शिद्दत -ओ -सजदा किये जिस शेहेर में लोग बड़ी वफ़ा से
उस बंदगी -ओ- तवक्कुल- सजदई को जाने कोई कुय्युम सर कब मिलेगा
शिद्दत-Respect तवक्कुल-Devotion कुय्युम-God
People who are known to be passionate devotees, how will they consolidate their faith?
When will those heads that bow in devotion get a god that could be believed in?

जू-ऐ-शीर, वादिय -ओ -सबा, शादाब-ओ -सरचश्मा फ़िक्र-ओ-फन-ओ-उरूज
लिल्लाह आपकी नज़ारे इनायत तो होती रही ताअत पे इनाम कब मिलेगा
जू-ऐ-शीर-Canals of milk शादाब -Green सरचश्मा-Sprinkle ताअत-Soemone who is dedicated
फ़िक्र-ओ-फन-ओ-उरूज-Upswing of fine art
The rivers flowing with milk, free flowing wind through the valleys, & the sprinkle of beauty in the green; the quest for fine arts that quenches the soul...
God you have always been grateful to us, Indians, by making us spiritually conscious but when will we get the rewards; (not material rewards but rewards of co-habitation with the splendour of the best)

हर -कास -ओ -नाकस मुबाहसा मुल्के -परश्तिश सरसार हिसाब देते है
इस कुहराम को परीवश -ओ -रुखसार -ओ -अंजाम -ओ -असर कब मिलेगा
कास -ओ –नाकस-Everybody परश्तिश-Worship सरसार-Peripheral कुहराम-Confusion/Cacophony परीवश-Angel रुखसार-Face
Everybody spends hours discussing the future of the nation as a proof of their patriotic feelings…
But when this chaos of talks & cross talks create an action plan that beautifies the face of the nation?

अपने वक़्त से यकायक बिछड़ गया यह गुलिस्तान -ओ -चमन -ओ- फिर्दोज़
चलते रुकते इस गुज़र गाह को कोई रहनुमा कोई ठिकाना कब मिलेगा
India has unfortunately lost the time & space when it was an avowed nation that once qualified to be a heaven on the earth
(Reference ‘Gar Firdoz ruhe zamin ast, hainasto haninasto)
The growth of the nation is going up & down on varied frontiers, who will come to serve the direction & who will help us reach the destination.

अज़ीम -ओ -तिजारत -ओ -मिलकियत -ओ -इस्राफ़ से हम कैसे महरूम हो गए
इस टीम -तिमाते ऐतबार -ओ -अहेसास को महजबीं हफ्त -सयार्गन कब मिलेगा
तिजारत-Business मिलकियत-Earning इस्राफ़-Prosperity ऐतबार-Self-belief महजबीं-(In this context) religiously gifted
हफ्त –सयार्गन-Planet
There was time when India was a major market. How come we are now denied of that prosperity?
How will we get the religiously gifted planet in our vision that helps us ride through the weak flame of belief in our hearts?

ये तशना -लबी -ओ - बेकरारी को न जाने कब कोई माज़ी मिले दरया डुबोने
इस लख्त-ओ-जुबान सुर्ख दहन को कोई बादा -ऐ -ताहुर बिस्यर कब मिलेगा
तशना –लबी-Dry Lips बादा -ऐ –ताहुर-Elixir Tahur-Pure बिस्यर-Plenty
The thirst on the lips is making us restless. When will we get the boatman who drops us straight into the river to quench our thirst?
When will the broken speech & the dry mouth get the purest of drink that is available a plenty?

नुक्ताचीनी का दौर ख़त्म करो अब लोगो छोड़ो बेगुज़र गफलत शियार
फ़िक्र करो के कैसे कोई पाक-ख्याल -ओ -सुखनवर नाज़ -ऐ -हिन्द मिलेगा
नुक्ताचीनी-Pointless discussion गफलत शियार-Caught napping पाक-ख्याल-Pure art सुखनवर-Someone who speaks well
Please end the manner of words & talks; please end this self-misleading approach…
Please try to find that beautiful & serene thought that will give our nation the position it deserves.

यह पेशानी -ऐ -बल -गुदखता -ऐ -दौर बता रही है इसकी आशिक -तलबी
लोग बे-इल्म है इस शीरीं को फरहाद -ऐ -चाहत -ओ -किरदार कब मिलेगा
गुदखता-worn out bodies आशिक-तलबी-Desperation for the beloved बे-इल्म-Not knowing
The worms on the forehead are showing the deserted charcater & her pining for the beloved
People wonder when the lady Shireen will get her beloved man Farhad!

किताबों पढ़ा नर्गिस -ओ -बेनूर होना फिर देरी से दीदावर यकायक पेश आना
इसके नस्सीब-ओ-जान-ओ-नूर-ओ-तबियत को कोई बुत परस्त कब मिलेगा
नर्गिस-Beautiful lady दीदावर-Someone who has the sense of beauty बुत परस्त –Worshiping the (beloved’s) Idol
We read in books that there was a beautiful maiden who remained unidentified until a great mind of ideas of beauty saw her…
But who will come to avow the charm of our nation & become her devotee/ beloved/caretaker.

खाल-ओ-खद शहीद हज्ज़रो बुँदे छिड़क दे वुजूद -ओ -ज़मीन पर नौजवान
मुन्तज़र है लोग कोई सख्त-ओ -आवाज़-ओ-लाजवाब-ओ-बयां वो कब मिलेगा
खाल-ओ-खद-Body वुजूद-Core identity मुन्तज़र-waiting
There are a lot of men who are willing to share their blood for the welfare of the nation…
But we need a strong headed, self-believing stern voiced man to order the onslaught.

आम आदमी तनहा बसर करें इन्हें उनकी आज़ादी की खबर कौन करेगा
मुल्के -आज़ादी पर्चोमें पढ़ते है अब बे -कफ़स निज़ात दिमाग कब मिलेगा
कफ़स-Prison निज़ात-Liberated
How will a small unidentified man live under the heap of tyranny, who will care to make him free
We read freedom only in books but who will make the whole world free in their mindset.

यूं कित्नोने वादा किये वफ़ा के नाम पर , वफ़ा -ओ -कद पर मिट्नेका
इसे दीदार-ऐ-यार इखलास-मंद कस्त्रे आली-ओ-खालिद-ओ-जांबाज़ कब मिलेगा
इखलास-मंद कस्त्रे आली-ओ-खालिद-ओ-जांबाज़-who has dignity to occupy the palace & one who is strong bodied
How many people made promises to me, how many people tried to rise to the level of commitment?
When will the right prince who will look dashing on the throne come to represent our nation?

आज तक मिल्लत-ऐ -काजी को मिला तो बेसब्र -ओ -बरकत बद-इखलाख मिला
इसके हुस्न-ओ-अमलात को सफा-ऐ-कल्ब खुद अफरोज-ओ-जिगर सोज़ कब मिलेगा
तक मिल्लत-ऐ-काजी-The priest for the nation’s marriage
The priest is waiting for long but all he met were people who had a deceit, ill-will & were without the self-honour.
Who will be befitting the beautiful bride waiting for the glowing persona ideal?

इतने बड़े शेहेरमें कोई नहीं जो -अकिल -ओ -जूनून -ओ -आसाब-ओ -तेवर हो
इस तख़्त-ओ-गुलज़ार-ओ-इंसानियत को मुबारक मुकाबिल अहबाब कब मिलेगा
अकिल -ओ -जूनून -ओ –आसाब-Intelligent, passionate form the appearance itself मुकाबिल-Competitive अहबाब-Friend
In such a vast nation of people is there nobody who is intelligent, who has the requisite physical & mental strength & who carries the aura?
Who will be that person who will bless the garden of angel, the sea of human endurance & who has a polished intellect?

बगावत -ओ -सर कलम कर क्या आब्बजान खुश होंगे आसमान में
जिदभीहो सब्रभी हो पर हिन्दको सर्कार-ऐ-आज़म सरताज कब मिलेगा
बगावत -ओ -सर कलम-Wars that kill people जिद-Passion सब्र-Patience
If we decide to do street fighting & cut each other in the name of revolution will the father of nation become happy?
We need patience, we need self-restraint but we also need passionate endeavour to fit the throne with the ideal king.
Comment by Zid on February 28, 2014 at 7:56am

Dear friends, 

I often wonder whether poetry is a text written in rhythmic form or it is something very subtle that cannot be expressed literally in words.  I remember once Faiz talked about Kacchi shayari & Pucci shayari. 

Kacchi shayari is the one which bears the same meaning as the words are. These expressions are common expressions because the content itself is common. However, when there is a transit of subjects that boils down to confusing ideas including the confusions of the mind of the poet himself,  the poetry invariable goes into digging out expressions & metaphors that are increasingly complex. This is where a novice to the world of literature gives up because he wants to hear what he has already heard. More evolved listeners what to hear what they have never heard. To bring people out of this naivety poet's own intervention is required.

I am trying to put a parallel thought in a parallel language that could help many relate the poetry better. 

I hope you will not mind it!


ऐसे बज़्म-ऐ -खिराद क्यूँ  न  रह जाऊ आज  यारा  मुहर  बलब  

Seeing the company of such wise people who understand me beyond the words, should I not keep my lips closed?

बे-अल्फ़ाज़े मेरी लगी उनकी दिलकशी साज़-ऐ-सरमदी  होने लगी

Without me saying a word my pains have become my audience’s sensitive treasure that is turning into an immortal song.

उधर  निगाही -ऐ -बदरफ्तार  इधर  खवाइश  नीयत -ऐ -परवाज़

She is putting her eyes on me & I am being swept off my feet. Then I have my own set of desires that are as always airborne with wings…

कभी  जहाँ -ऐ -मुतमइन  कभी  रंजो-गिरफ्त तबाही होने  लगी

I see a world of deep happiness & contentment on one side & the melancholy that has imprisoned me that is beginning to destroy me on the other side.

बा-मशक्कत  काटी  है  तारीक़ी-ऐ -गम  शम्मा  कुश्ता के  बाद

I have lived through the night of darkness after the night lamp is switched off with a lot of difficulty

नाशाद  बेताब-ओ-तलबी जाकर अबके गिरनी-ऐ-यारी होने लगी

That disturbed & random state of me has now decided to make a friendship with the darkness.

ये अफसाना -ऐ -हस्ती  सर्द  तर्ज़ -ऐ -मशहूर  ऐसे  होने  लगी 

The tale of life is freezing tune of wail that people seem to like so much

ज़माने को बा-पनाह मेरे हर एक नए गम से ख़ुशी होने लगी  

And the world now gets more happiness with every new pain that comes to haunt me

बा -आंकी बाइसे-निफफत  हम  कबके  हुए  शहर -ऐ -कदर

Although after the break I left her & the world & I sat in my coffin

बा-इअज़ज़त-ओ-एहतिराम मेरी शै उनके खानेमे मजाज़ी होने लगी

Today she has adorably made full arrangements to reduce me in her thoughts to be a mere metaphor.

मौका-ऐ-वारदात बाखूब उस निगाही से बच निकले हम लिल्लाह

When that romantic accident of eyes meeting the eyes took place I shrewdly escaped the damage

वरना सफा-ऐ-कल्ब आरज़ू -ऐ -पाक मे बेतहाशा कमी होने लगी

Otherwise everywhere I see such ogling has only created more of spoilt souls & spoilt aspirations.

वक़्त-ऐ-फितरत कैसी है वस्त जश्न -ऐ -बहार पल पल मौसम बदले

How intricate is the nature of time that changes so very suddenly

आतिशी लब्ज़-ऐ-बयां  कैसे सरसार मुजसे  बुत-परस्ती  होने  लगी

 My poetic onslaught has now become an ode to her beauty.

कहनेको किस किस मौजू पर क्या क्या कहते हम बा-इखलाख

If I was required to say something I have many issues that could be handled with care & sanity…

हम  सुखनवर कम नहीं मगर देखिये तारीफ़ किसकी होने लगी

I am no ordinary speaker but it seems people are getting lost in my imagination of my beloved’s beauty more than my poetry.

सर -ऐ -बाम किया था हमने इंतज़ार-ऐ-वतन ताजिस्ट इंतज़ाम

Standing on the rooftop of my house I had created a world of waiting for ever

क्यूँ संग-दिली-ओ-शब् -ऐ-हिज्रकी बेवक़्त ही वापसी होने लगी

But this unstoppable phenomena of the night falling has happened bit too early today.

बावजूद  इसके के हक़-ऐ-खुदारियत मै कभी न बाज़ आऊं 

Despite the fact that I would never lose my self-determination  

ज़माने ऐसे बदले है अब जाकर तम्हीद-ऐ-बा-दिली होने लगी 

The time seems to be changing to people being more soft-hearted.

कौनसी खुराख पायी है ज़िद रूदाद-ओ-निहां खैरात बटने  लगी

What is it that the poet is thriving on that his hidden messages of love are being generously distributed?

तेरे गम ख्वार  को  भी  तुजसे  कशाकाश-ओ-रुस्वाई होने लगी

And his best friends who used to share his grief have also starting to get dismayed by his tendency to celebrate the pains. 

ऐसे बज़्म-ऐ -खिराद क्यूँ  न  रह जाऊ आज  यारा  मुहर  बलब

Seeing the company of such wise people who understand me beyond the words, should I not keep my lips closed?

बे-अल्फ़ाज़े मेरी लगी उनकी दिलकशी साज़-ऐ-सरमदी  होने लगी

Without me saying a word my pains have become my audience’s sensitive treasure that is turning into an immortal song.

उधर  निगाही -ऐ -बदरफ्तार  इधर  खवाइश  नीयत -ऐ -परवाज़

She is putting her eyes on me & I am being swept off my feet. Then I have my own set of desires that are as always airborne with wings…

कभी  जहाँ -ऐ -मुतमइन  कभी  रंजो-गिरफ्त तबाही होने  लगी

I see a world of deep happiness & contentment on one side & the melancholy that has imprisoned me that is beginning to destroy me on the other side.

बा-मशक्कत  काटी  है  तारीक़ी-ऐ -गम  शम्मा  कुश्ता के  बाद

After the night lamp is switched off I have lived through the night of darkness with a lot of difficulty...  

नाशाद  बेताब-ओ-तलबी जाकर अबके गिरनी-ऐ-यारी होने लगी

That disturbed & random state of me has now decided to make a friendship with the darkness.

ये अफसाना -ऐ -हस्ती  सर्द  तर्ज़ -ऐ -मशहूर  ऐसे  होने  लगी 

The tale of life is freezing tune of wail that people seem to like so much

ज़माने को बा-पनाह मेरे हर एक नए गम से ख़ुशी होने लगी  

And the world now gets more happiness with every new pain that comes to hauny me

बा -आंकी बाइसे-निफफत  हम  कबके  हुए  शहर -ऐ -कदर

Although after the break I left her & the world & I sat in my coffin

बा-इअज़ज़त-ओ-एहतिराम मेरी शै उनके खानेमे मजाज़ी होने लगी

Today she has adorably made full arrangements to reduce me in her thoughts to be a mere metaphor.

मौका-ऐ-वारदात बाखूब उस निगाही से बच निकले हम लिल्लाह

When that romantic accident of eyes meeting the eyes took place I shrewdly escaped the damage

वरना सफा-ऐ-कल्ब आरज़ू -ऐ -पाक मे बेतहाशा कमी होने लगी

Otherwise everywhere I see such ogling has only created more of spoilt souls & spoilt aspirations.

वक़्त-ऐ-फितरत कैसी है वस्त जश्न -ऐ -बहार पल पल मौसम बदले

How intricate is the nature of time that changes so very suddenly

आतिशी लब्ज़-ऐ-बयां  कैसे सरसार मुजसे  बुत-परस्ती  होने  लगी

 My poetic onslaught has now become an ode to her beauty.

कहनेको किस किस मौजू पर क्या क्या कहते हम बा-इखलाख

If I was required to say something I have many issues that could be handled with care & sanity…

हम  सुखनवर कम नहीं मगर देखिये तारीफ़ किसकी होने लगी

I am no ordinary speaker but it seems people are getting lost in beauty of my beloved whose imagination I have created than being interested in my poetry.

सर -ऐ -बाम किया था हमने इंतज़ार-ऐ-वतन ताजिस्ट इंतज़ाम

Standing on the rooftop of my house I had created a world of waiting for ever

क्यूँ संग-दिली-ओ-शब् -ऐ-हिज्रकी बेवक़्त ही वापसी होने लगी

But this unstoppable phenomena of the night falling has happened bit too early today.

बावजूद  इसके के हक़-ऐ-खुदारियत मै कभी न बाज़ आऊं 

Despite the fact that I would never lose my self-determination  

ज़माने ऐसे बदले है अब जाकर तम्हीद-ऐ-बा-दिली होने लगी 

The time seems to be changing to people being more soft-hearted.

कौनसी खुराख पायी है ज़िद रूदाद-ओ-निहां खैरात बटने  लगी

What is it that the poet is thriving on that his hidden messages of love are being generously distributed?

तेरे गम ख्वार  को  भी  तुजसे  कशाकाश-ओ-रुस्वाई होने लगी

And his best friends who used to share his grief have also starting to get dismayed by his tendency to celebrate the pains.


Comment by Sushil.Joshi on November 9, 2013 at 5:21am

हार्दिक बधाई इस रचना हेतु आदरणीय....

Comment by बृजेश नीरज on November 3, 2013 at 11:24am

इस उर्दू रचना पर आपको हार्दिक बधाई!

Comment by annapurna bajpai on November 2, 2013 at 11:32pm

खूबसूरत गजल ॥ 

कृपया ध्यान दे...

आवश्यक सूचना:-

1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे

2-ओपन बुक्स ऑनलाइन परिवार यदि आपको अच्छा लगा तो अपने मित्रो और शुभचिंतको को इस परिवार से जोड़ने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर आमंत्रण भेजे |

3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |

4-OBO नि:शुल्क विज्ञापन योजना (अधिक जानकारी हेतु क्लिक करे)

5-"सुझाव एवं शिकायत" दर्ज करने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करे |

6-Download OBO Android App Here

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TEJ VEER SINGH replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-119
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