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This story is for 2-4 years old children. As they have difficulty to understand the numbers, so with picture story they can count and learn. Originally it is a picture story with 11 paintings, but it is not possible for me to scan and share those paintings. 

  1. It was a shiny sunny morning.

One big sun was shining in the sky towards east.

Flowers, leaves, birds, butterflies, were dancing in the air

    2. Suddenly two big black clouds came and oh the sun got hidden behind it.

   3. The little teddy, mommy teddy and daddy teddy, all three became sad, as they were planning to go out for a picnic.

    4.Oh!  It started raining, and now they had no option other than to stay at home.

The baby teddy was disheartened.

He opened the window of his room and alas! What he saw?

He saw four big Dahelia flowers  in his big garden, dancing at the rhythm of passing wind.

     5. An idea came to his mind!

He called his five neighborhood friends to his home to enjoy the rain.

     6.His friends came to his home with their pretty umbrellas. He also took umbrella and all the six friends with their colorful umbrellas went outside to splash, jump and dance in the rain.

      7. WOW! What is that in the sky?

A big seven colored rainbow. So big, so pretty, so new to them.  All the friends started hopping with joy.

   8.They went to a nearby park to play.

They found eight beautiful  butterflies there.

They ran behind them to catch them, but oh! all flew away with flickering wings.

   9. Then they saw nine beautiful white soft ducklings swimming in the pool. They thought why the ducks can swim in water but they can’t?

    10. Ok , they can’t float and swim in water but their paper boats can. So, they made 10 paper boats and floated them in the water. Wow! What a fun they had?

It stopped raining too. They returned back to home. Now, little teddy was very happy, as he had a lot of fun and frolic with the wonders of nature.

Views: 784

Replies to This Discussion

It is really good way to play with numbers and our little child can learn easily. Congratulation Dr Prachi for a great story poem.

Thanks Resp. Ganesh jee for your valuable encouragement by liking the theme of this story and its presentation.

(The) little teddy was very happy, as he had a lot of fun and frolic with the wonders of nature.

A beautiful story for a child in us and children with us.  NIce; Dr. Prachi.

Thanks Respected Saurabh Pandey Ji for finding it beautiful for children. Actually I taught my son 1,2,3, with the help of this story. And he enjoyed it a lot when he was just 3 yrs old. Thanks for encouragement.

I forward the comments of respected Saurabh Pandey ji, story is nice to teach,Dr Prachi Singh ji 

It would be more attractive for the children had it been displayed with pictures.  However thanks for the nice story written

Thanks Resp. Laxman Prasad Ladiwala ji for your kind appreciation.


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