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One of the most serious issues’ of nowadays

Has become pollution

It is destroying the Earth

By degradation

It could be

A serious matter of tensions

From the poorest; to those;

Who are living, in great mansions

It is making situations

Bad to worst

Of course;

Because of its expansion


It is increasing in towns and cities;

Day by day

And for defending it;

Creatures including humans

Should have to make a good way


Pollution has resulted in the depletion of

The ozone layer

It’s all is because of us, who don’t even

Protect our environment; with care

The most affected thing;

Due to it, is the air

So, we all; including you

Should beware


Most of the people

Don’t even think about it

As they are needed

To get, a strong hit


But, every coin has two sides

As, where most of the people don’t even

Think about it;

As they are busy in taking selfish rides;

But, some people are trying, to reduce it

As they’re doing; their bit


There are many kinds of pollution

Such as water, air, soil and sound;

For enduring these

Creatures  may have to pass through a series of evolution


But it isn’t too difficult

To reduce it

If we’ll

Do our bit


                             -------Shivam Jha






Views: 176

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मिथिलेश वामनकर replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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सदस्य कार्यकारिणी
मिथिलेश वामनकर replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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मिथिलेश वामनकर replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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मिथिलेश वामनकर replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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Sheikh Shahzad Usmani replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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सदस्य कार्यकारिणी
मिथिलेश वामनकर replied to Admin's discussion "ओबीओ लाइव लघुकथा गोष्ठी" अंक-111 (घर-आँगन)
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