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As I'm going to the office on my way,
Walking with my friend who says -
An unknown doggy follows us, may be,
I am not sure, I don't care! who cares?

After about ten seconds, I pay attention,
Follower follows us without any tension,
Follower is of course not  familiar to me,
& my friend. What happens then let's see,

Have to find out the reason of following,
It may be amazing as well as interesting,
Looking at the doggy,  ignoring us firstly,
As do not aware of the thing completely.

By making our walking speed slow, let's see,
Oh! Doggy moving slowly that surprising me,
We stop on the road for a while and watch,
Doggy also stops. I wonder, how approach!

We start to walk, we're followed in same way,
Changing the track, same result, in same way,
we still do not know what's the real mystery,
As such thing never happens in our history.

we move in round shape to get rid of any how,
Doggy confuses, may think what to do now,
Silly is ahead of us,  no one is there to follow,
Doggy begs help of us, oh no! we're in sorrow.

Mean while an old man passes beside us,
Doggy follows the old man that pleasing us,
After all some how we find out the reason,
So late!  When we apply the doggy's vision.

The Doggy is alone in unknown area, may be,
Wants help of us from other Doggies, may be,
Still a question remains unsolved in my mind,
How Doggy treats us as masters or guards?

- Mukul Limbad

Views: 199

कृपया ध्यान दे...

आवश्यक सूचना:-

1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे

2-ओपन बुक्स ऑनलाइन परिवार यदि आपको अच्छा लगा तो अपने मित्रो और शुभचिंतको को इस परिवार से जोड़ने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर आमंत्रण भेजे |

3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |

4-OBO नि:शुल्क विज्ञापन योजना (अधिक जानकारी हेतु क्लिक करे)

5-"सुझाव एवं शिकायत" दर्ज करने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करे |

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